On Infinite Intelligence


A question is bound to have an answer. Even if the answer is, that the question does not have an answer, or some other round-about answer.
However, can we find the answer to any given question? What even grants us the ability to find answers to their corresponding questions? Intelligence.
Infinite Intelligence is the answer to everything. In the face of it, there is no question, no issue, that cannot be resolved. It is omniscience and omnipotence itself. It is You!

Out the Out

You must have heard the phrase ‘think outside the box’. It generally means to not bind ourselves to a certain (one) way of thinking, but instead to consider a multitude of perspectives.
That’s great, but can we take it even further than that? Can we take the box, that we exit, to be thinking itself, and so end up with ‘think outside thinking’?
Think about it, only a thing, that is not even bound to being itself, is truly free. This goes for thought also—a truly free (and, really, brilliant) thought is one that transcends the category of ‘thought’ altogether, while still remaining a thought! We could call it Thoughtless Thought.

MUCH MORE than us

How self-centered we are! And while spirituality often tackles this issue from many sides, it rarely touches on this big, big part of it:
We can develop ourselves as human beings—mature in this way, bring consciousness to our very body, relax into the densest parts of our experience; we can grow as being itself—expanding our love, strengthening our consciousness; we can purify our minds—free ourselves from the dualistic mind… yet, isn’t this always personal? My body, my consciousness, my mind? Even if we become a perfect being, isn’t it, that it’s still only and merely about that one being—namely us?
There is MUCH MORE than us. And while we might say, that we are ourselves, and therefore, that’s where our efforts should be focused, I’ll say it again—there is MUCH MORE than us. There is MUCH MORE than us.