On Truth


How do you know when you found truth? When there is no doubt.
When there cannot be any doubt—even lurking somewhere in the subconscious.
When it’s more obvious than obvious.
When the mind cannot argue with it—in fact, nothing can argue with it.
When nothing will change it—not time, not circumstances, not anything else.
When it’s SIMPLY SO.
(This might be obvious, but it’s often not. We are not clear on what truth is, and consequently we cannot “pursue it”/”have it”/”be it”.
And so this simple description above is something that describes the nature of truth.
This is for those, who Love Truth!)

How do you know when you found truth? There is no longer anyone to tell you, that you haven’t.
No guru, no teacher, no mind.
No one can persuade you, no one is higher, no one “knows better”.
Sure—there will be those, who are more masterful in this and that, understand these and those subjects better… and if we are wise, we will listen to them.
But when it comes to truth: if we Know, we Know.

How do you know when you found truth? It’s when everyone (without exception) would agree, if they saw also.
A doctor, a lawyer, a baker, a sportsman—all would agree.
A flower, a brick, space itself… if they could comprehend it—all would agree.
There is not one being or one thing, that would not agree — that’s when you know you found Truth!

Finding Meaning

Really, a thing, that is hard to live without, is meaning. If nothing means anything—why live? If we could only realize some solid, undeniable meaning to it all, wouldn’t everything… well, take on a completely different meaning?
I’ve heard some people say, and I will repeat it here, that even if we brush off such subjects as merely philosophical and not really worth anything, we still (somewhere deep down) are already holding onto some ideas about meaning, or are simply making up some meaning for ourselves. We can’t help it—if we are not considering it consciously, we have some opinion on it, but are unaware of it.
And so, is there meaning? One, that truly means something (hahaha)?
Here is what I say: Meaning lies in living in such a way, that we never deny what we know to be True.

Sudden Shifts

The discovery of truth is in itself a non-event. But listen!—this non-event can cause some wildly eventful things to happen!
Take this advice from a friend: when the Wind of Change blows, let yourself be carried.

“The Way Out”

It is a sad truth, that many of us live in distress. We don’t even know what is the cause of our distress, yet distressed we are. And our lives pass like that.
Nowhere to hide, nowhere to run, nowhere to find support.
What I find, is that “the way out” is not about finding the perfect trick—it is about facing truth. Truth of this condition, truth of ourselves, truth of Reality… Truth!

Coming to Objectivity

Spiritual purification, psychological purification, somatic purification—all these must be understood for what they are. What they ARE are ways to heal our faculties, so that these can function as they naturally would (without distortions). What they ARE NOT is objective truth.
Even when all our faculties are purified to a 100%, we still end up only with our subjective (although now clear) experience. Objectivity still will be beyond us.
Simply stated: coming to Objectivity requires “something other” than bettering ourselves.